A wild chase in the park.

“but where did it go!?’ she shouted, I didn’t know, we were running through the  woods because we heard a shuffling noise in the bush. “To bad we cant just have a normal walk for once” I wined, “well its to late for that come on!” She ran into the bush, I was right after here, we dashed and sprinted through the bush to lose the noise. “Oh come on” she said. Then she turned around and said, “I see it, I see it !”, she dashed away, I followed and soon found out “it was just the neighbours dog”.


One thought on “A wild chase in the park.”

  1. Phew, I was so relieved to hear that it was just the neighbour’s dog. Hopefully, it was a friendly dog, as it sounded quite terrifying early on in your story!

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