Part 9 Of The Deserted Island

Jake Felt the air leave his lungs at a rapid rate. “Help!” Smack. Jake felt absolute pain, but he could see more than yellow now. He could se the outside world, through a gate. Jake thought to himself that this was phenomenal, he ran to the gate, “swoosh”. Jake landed on the ground, “where am I” he questioned, there was no response. Jake realised he was getting very cold. He realised where he was. He was Antartica. Jake looked around at all the snow, no buildings were in site, Jake was going to freeze, with a shiver he passed out.


Part 8 Of The Deserted Island

Yellow, all Jake saw was yellow, he felt around for some type of wall but felt nothing, he tried to touch the ground but there was no hard surface, Jake seemed to be floating, but somehow he felt like he was standing, “hello! Anyone there?” Jake questioned, no reply. Jake started moving, not on his own, but something was forcing him to move. He came to a sudden halt, but he had started moving down. Very slowly, Jake saw that it was pitch black. Jake try to push away. Buts that’s when he had control, but he wasn’t floating, he was falling, Jake screamed as he fell into the dark.